How the BackAware Back Pilates Program Helped My Back Pain

Are you tired of living with nagging back pain that hinders your daily activities? Have you tried to improve your posture and get a stronger, pain-free back? I have been in this place for several years and I have always thought about Pilates for back pain but never took the plunge.

Pilates for back pain
How I improved my back health with BackAware Back Pilates program

I came across BackAware Back Pilates Program, that promised a comprehensive and targeted approach to improving my spinal health and I decided to jump right in. Overall, I thought it was great and I am excited to continue. They offer a free trial so it is risk free before signing up. Here are some of the key things to consider if you are looking to start yourself.

Table of Contents

    Effective Pilates for Back Pain Management

    Effective Pilates exercises are vital for managing back pain. By strengthening the core, improving posture, and enhancing flexibility, Pilates alleviates strain on the back and supports spinal health.

    Tailored routines, like those offered by the BackAware Back Pilates Program, address various back pain causes, such as disc issues or ligament strain. The gentle, controlled movements in Pilates not only reduce pain but also prevent future injuries.

    Incorporating BackAware Back Pilates for back pain management into your daily routine can significantly improve back health, reduce pain, and enhance mobility, leading to a better quality of life.

    Personalized Pilates for Back Pain Relief: Designing Your Program

    One of the standout features of the Back Pilates Program is the inclusion of a personalized quiz, offered by BackAware Back Pilates. This quiz helps the gang at BackAware to understand your unique needs, the causes of your back pain, your limitations, and goals.

    By assessing your current fitness level, any existing back issues, and your desired outcomes, the program can design classes that specifically cater to your requirements.

    After filling in the quiz I got informative emails which highlighted that not all back pain is the same. Some is caused by disc issues, some by facet joint or ligament issues. Some backs are sore when we sit or flex for a long time while others get painful with standing. It is important to understand what is causing your back pain and then give exercises that will help that particular back pain.

    These points really hit home with me as I never really considered the type of exercises I should be doing. I thought Pilates is Pilates but that is not the case. The Quiz is completely free to take and can be found here.

    BackAware Pilates

    Feedback during Exercises:

    The best thing I found about the BackAware Back Pilates Program, is the feedback from the BackAware Belt. The BackAware Belt™ is the first tracker or trainer to give you feedback on your back position when exercising. This feedback is an integral part of the program, allowing you to maintain proper form, alignment, and technique while performing the Pilates exercises.

    I am not brilliant with Technology, but they gave a 10 minute introduction and it was simple enough to follow along. Having feedback during exercises really helps to develop a deeper understanding of your body’s movements, ensuring that you engage the correct muscles and avoid unnecessary strain or injury.

    You follow along with the instructor on your screen and the interactive technology will guide you through the exercises, offering real-time corrections and adjustments to optimize your performance and enhance the benefits of the program. I have done core exercises before but really felt I was working my core correctly for one of the first times!

    The feedback mechanism in the BackAware Back Pilates Program ensures that you not only gain knowledge about the exercises but also develop a strong mind-body connection. By being mindful of your posture, alignment, and movement patterns, you can correct any imbalances or poor habits that contribute to your back pain.

    Also read:

    Bonus Material

    Lastly, there was a Q and A session each week plus really helpful videos to explain how to help your back when sitting, how to do physio releases with a massage ball (I find these so good for my hips especially).

    There are a lot of free classes on YouTube so I believe the belt and the bonuses help justify the cost (€39/month).

    My Verdict

    Try the Free Trial

    Before doing Back Pilates, I believe I didn’t stick to exercises as I wasn’t 100 percent sure they were suitable for me and then I wasn’t confident I was doing them correctly.

    I have done the Back Pilates course for over a month and have found it very good. They offer a free trial without the belt so you can see the type of exercises for yourself. I think taking the quiz if you have back pain is a great start or if you just want better posture and tone then try the free trial first here Back Pilates Program is an excellent choice and certainly worth checking out.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    What’s the BackAware Back Pilates Program all about?

    Ah, the BackAware Back Pilates Program is a grand setup designed to sort out your back pain with Pilates exercises. They tailor the classes just for you, depending on what’s causing your back bother, your fitness level, and what you want to achieve. Plus, they’ve got this nifty BackAware Belt that keeps an eye on your posture during exercises.

    How does the BackAware Belt do its thing?

    The BackAware Belt™ is a clever piece of kit that tracks your back position while you’re doing Pilates. It makes sure you’re keeping the right form and alignment, which is key for managing and preventing back pain. It hooks up with the program to give you real-time feedback, helping you get the most out of your workouts.

    Can beginners get stuck into the BackAware Back Pilates Program?

    Absolutely, beginners are more than welcome. The program includes a personalised quiz to see where you’re at with your fitness and back issues, and then they tailor the classes to suit you. The BackAware Belt is great for beginners as it helps you do the exercises correctly and safely.

    What types of back pain does the program help with?

    This program is great for tackling all sorts of back pain, whether it’s caused by disc issues, facet joint problems, or ligament strain. The personalised quiz helps figure out exactly what’s causing your pain, so you get the right exercises to help ease your aches and pains.

    Is there a free trial to have a go at?

    There is indeed! They offer a free trial, so you can dip your toes in and see how the exercises work for you before committing to anything. The trial gives you a good taste of the program without the BackAware Belt, so you can decide if it’s the right fit for you, risk-free.

    Articles: 25


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